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Henrik Spohler, From Global Soul, 2008 Photo: Henrik Spohler ©


In some circumstances industry is alluded to as society’s grey area. This can be seen in the controversial relationship with images of the industrial world. For decades, photos of factories have been treated with total indifference and it was rather common for them to be thrown away when a company moved site. It is only recently that we have started to re-evaluate and retrieve them, thus realizing we have eliminated the evidence of almost half of the world, the history, the universe of industrial production: a world that provides a valuable key to understand our lives, our thought and our activities.
With this exhibition and the works of 47 photographers, MAST begins the writing of a history of industry and opens a discussion on industry itself, starting from its own photographic patrimony. (Curator: Urs Stahel)


Fondazione MAST
Via Speranza, 42


Fondazione MAST
Via Speranza, 42

La Fondazione MAST ha sede in un complesso di grande qualità architettonica inaugurato nel 2013 e progettato dallo Studio Labics, che ha portato a termine un riuscito intervento di trasformazione di un’area industriale dismessa nella prima periferia bolognese. Nella PhotoGallery vengono allestite, sotto la curatela di Urs Stahel, mostre di autori storici e contemporanei, che si propongono di far conoscere al grande pubblico la diversità e la rilevanza della fotografia del lavoro quale documentazione del passato, testimonianza viva del presente e anticipazione del futuro.