What a piece of luck to be able to follow an enormous industrial adventure from A to Z. And what luck that it was achieved by a photographer who knew how to calculate the perfect distance, showing the enormity, the human and technological adventure, the infrastructures, and the countless details.
In order to build the Airbus A 380, it seems that everything had to be invented from scratch: the buildings, the means of transport, the equipment, right down to the launching events in a exceptional scale.
And this is where the talent of the photographer comes in. How to convey the feeling of such enormity without compromising creativity. How to “make a picture” when everything is already so spectacular.
Step by step, three years’ work is revealed. Mark Power, e member of Magnum Photos, tells an industrial fairy tale.
Ex Ospedale degli Innocenti
Via D’Azeglio, 41 – Bologna
Ex Ospedale degli Innocenti
Via D’Azeglio, 41 – Bologna
Dating to the 1200s, in the late eighteenth century this palazzo became an institution serving orphans and young mothers. Inactive since the 1990s, this fascinating monument of great architectural interest is occasionally used for cultural events.